Stars are constantly changing their looks. Taylor Swift went from girl next door with the natural curls to the chic and sleek red carpet look. Renee Zellweger got major plastic surgery that the majority of the population totally disagrees with. Then we have those who went through the ringer like Amanda Bynes, or those who really “grew up” like Zac Efron. There are hundreds of reasons to change a look, but what we generally look at is, well, just them. Do we like their new look? Is it attractive? Natural? Crazy? Or what? That’s what we’re going to look at today.
To be fair, sometimes, substance abuse or mental health issues can cause someone to look, well, less than perfect. On the other hand, plastic surgery can do wonders for someone or make them look faker than a Twinkie. Many times, it’s all relative and beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. But other times, most of us can agree on who has done the right things and who needs to abort the transformation mission ASAP! Abort! Abort!
We’re not talking about movie role choices, or Matthew McConaughey and Naomi Watts would be on the list. No, these are personal choices where people actually chose to look this way. Which is like 95% worse and often inexcusable. Unless they have Kesha history that really messes with their minds, of course. But none of these have that story. So let’s take a look at a few stars who look way better and more attractive after their style choices, and those who look quite a bit worse.
Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus has undergone one of the most famous transformation in history. Miley went from adorable, natural girl next door to crazy, often repulsive, to beautifully Miley again. Only this time, she’s not just adorable, she’s hot too! She outgrew both her Hannah Montana stage as well as her immature crazy stage. Her and her sister Noah both agree that she is saner and more in her right mind than ever. A couple years ago, she’d be on the “not” side of this list, but due to her recent change, she’s on the “hot” list for the first time in her life. She’s been called “overrated” for years, so I think it’s finally time she gets to be “underrated.” Let’s give her a hand, as well as Liam Hemsworth who helped her through all of her stages.
Lindsay Lohan
what happened to you? The smokin’ fiery redhead that we all were in love with went downhill quick. She used to be one of the hottest women in Hollywood. But it didn’t take many years in the spotlight for it to ruin her. She was doing great, but the pressure got to her. She used alcohol, drugs, and other illegal activities to cope. This is a great excuse for the tired, worn expression pasted on her face and the haziness in her eyes. But the plastic surgery and the unappealing blonde hair really don’t work for her.
How amazing would it be to see this one flipped? She’s old enough now to really cross the line into the more mature look that other Disney channel stars have tactfully adopted.
Katy Perry
Sorry Katy Perry, but you landed on the wrong side of the list this time. Don’t get me wrong, she’s still just as beautiful as ever, but let’s really take a look at what she’s coming from. Before she made it big, she was a pretty, yet average down to earth Christian artist. She wasn’t drop dead gorgeous without her professional makeup team. But after she did get them, she became one of the hottest stars in the industry. However, while Miley did a flip, Katy went the other way. Some say she’s experiencing a Britney Spears breakdown.
Maybe she can pull a Miley Cyrus and enter stage three of her transformation soon, coming out the other end looking better than ever? Let’s hope so!
Halle Berry
As far as I can tell, Halle Berry has never looked less than perfect. Maybe she has professional makeup artists and the likes, but somehow she pulls off a natural beauty so rare in this world. But I think her most recent addition to her look (yes, it was definitely an addition) sent her over the edge in the best way possible. She brought back the early 2000’s trend of adding colored highlights to her hair. In her case, they are purple and look absolutely fabulous with her hair color and skin tone. She couldn’t have picked a more perfect color.
She makes see these purple highlights in a new light, but something tells us they wouldn’t translate as well into just anyone. Sadly, purple highlights will not magically make anyone look like Halle Berry.
Emma Watson
Emma what, son? No doubt one of the most beautiful, if not the most beautiful woman in the spotlight these days. Why? Aside from her obvious natural beauty, she has quite a few things going for her. One, she’s more intelligent than you could ever imagine. Two, she has so much class that she could be school. Three, she knows how to dress for her personality and body type. And on top of all that, she has so much charm that it’s bursting from the seams!
If that isn’t enough, word is she has quite a bit of that subconsciously attractive inner beauty you only hear about in story books. Beauty? Check! Brains? Check! Heart? Check! Is this girl perfect? The internet seems to think so. And look how far she’s come.
Kylie Jenner
There are no lips more famous in the industry than Kylie Jenner’s. But how did she get them? No one knows. It could be plastic surgery, it could be some boss makeup skills. Who even cares at this point? All we know is we want them and she looks amazing. In fact, in general, whatever she did to change her look worked. A few years ago, she was your average teen. Now, she’s gorgeous with almost 100 million Instagram followers. We are like 87% sure that most of those followers are simply there because she’s so beautiful! And she posts a lot of photos to prove that. Like a lot a lot. But of all of the Kardashian-Jenners, she has probably shown us the most dramatic transformation. Well, aside from Caitlyn!
Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande has always been adorable. But there’s a big difference between a Nickelodeon star and a gorgeous pop star. She grew up and the girl who was once in the background in Nickelodeon has become more popular than any other Nickelodeon star in history! It truly is amazing. She had bright red hair and a cute, clueless face as a teen. But now, she has grown to be a beautiful woman.
She has got it going on and there’s not one human being that could possibly say anything different. On top of that, she stands for what she believes in and fights for those who are unable. Her tribute to Manchester spoke volumes. You gotta love a lady who holds concerts like that. Who has the ability to truly feel for those who are hurting.
Paris Jackson
Paris Jackson was not allowed in the spotlight for most of her childhood, and with good reason. Her father was only the most famous man on earth. She was deeply affected by his death, and has since let the world know how hard it was for her. When she first appeared, we all thought she was cute, and not resembling her father at all. But over the years, she has really shown us that she can shine on her own.
Her piercing blue eyes seem to have popped since she has changed her look for the better, and she clearly has a great figure. She was young and inexperienced before, but now, she looks incredible. At only 19 years-old, we can only imagine what she’ll look like in a few years as she continues to mature.